Thursday 1 May 2008

Maintaining sanity

Our latest attempt to remain sane involves watching American Idol on Thursday evenings on satellite TV. It seems, however, that God isn't allowing us to escape from the reality of Africa tonight, for the program is raising money for AIDS orphans here in Africa and the screen is full of images that we are all too familier with from first hand experience. Anna got quite upset watching the clips of berieved children until we reminded her that she is only a few hundred yards from children dying of AIDS, malaria and malnutrition, right here in Liberia, and we are doing all we can to help them. The program featured a commercial for Charity: Water, a charity run by our old Anastasis friend and crew-mate Scott Harrison, and finished with the American Idol contestents singing the Christian song "Shout to the Lord". Weird. Olly

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you watch "American Idol" to maintain your sanity, it may already be too late! Hope all is going well on the ship.

Steve Richmond