Friday 18 December 2009

Last day at sea

The last couple of days have blended into one long, sleep deprived and rarely vertical discomfort. I guess we're getting more used to things crashing and sliding around, but we can't wait to get into the lee of land where hopefully the water will be calmer and we can start tidying the ship. This time tomorrow we'll be docked in tenerife, hopefully. Even typing this blog entry is a challenge, as my chair keeps on rolling away from my desk...anyway, we've had a couple of things to take our minds of the rolling: more beautiful sunsets and the presence of a couple of French navy ships a couple of nights ago (very exciting - they started following us, and some of us thought they were going to board us and search for bad guys or bad stuff); more dolphins on the bow; and the school musical - Bethlehem Express (adapted from the movie Polar Express), where all the kids danced and sang as well as had roles - Noah was one of the main characters, Anna did a duet with her friend Jana and Libby was a cow (again). Olly

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