Sunday 21 February 2010

The dock

Here are some photos of the dock - my primary workplace for the next 6 months. Firstly, notice that there's no aft gangway - this dock is higher than any the Africa Mercy's has visited before, so at low tide the gangway would be scraped off. We will probably have to send all the patients up the main gangway. Below is my workshop and tent. The dock has railway lines that collect stinking and stagnant water, so I've had to fill the lines under out tent with cement so we can move around on the trolley-bed without getting covered in stinking water.

Below, a floor of pallets and hardboard is being constructed to keep the stagnant water out of the dockside tents...

...and below, the dockside tents are almost complete. They will be used as the Outpatient Clinic, the Eye Clinic and a covered waiting area for the patients - sun proof and rain proof.

To celebrate a hard week's work, Jesse threw a BBQ on the dock on Friday evening.

Although not perfect (and a far cry to the fantastic dock we had in Liberia), we are pleased to have this dock (with the stinking railway tracks, huge rats and cockroaches), and aim to take every advantage of it. Amen. Olly

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