Wednesday 1 April 2009

An interesting bowel blockage

I met Octavia, a Liberian man, on the dock earlier this week who was sick with an stomach ulcer (or so he told me). Over the past 2 days he has got weaker as he has been unable to eat, and yesterday he collapsed at the Togolese border whilst trying to leave Benin, and was brought back to Cotonou by another Liberian. He confessed to me this afternoon that his "ulcer" is in fact a large diamond (worth $2 million?) that he swallowed 2 weeks ago in order to smuggle it out of Liberia to sell on behalf of one of Charles Taylor's generals, and he has been unable to pass it ever since. He is in agony and needs bowel surgery (which we are unable to do), but he is unwilling to present himself to a hospital because he will be arrested as soon as they realise what is blocking his bowel. What can I do? I managed to get some basic medical advice from a passing nurse who advised him to drink plenty of water and take medicine that will clear him off he went to buy water and medicine. Maybe I'll see him again soon; maybe I won't. Dr Olly

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