Above, Anna as a 1920s flapper for a fancy dress day in school.

Above, Libby as the same.

Above, Noah in a toga.

Above, the a/c went off for the day and we enjoyed cooking in our cabin.

Above, a pallet broke and two pallet loads of food fell from the crane into the sea. The rescue boat is pulling away from the scene after salvaging as much as possible of the floating food.

Above, the clean up of spoilt food on the dock.

Above, the kids invented a new game on the wet and slippery deck, sliding across the new paint-work on their bellies like sea lions.

Above, Libby endured a 3 hour long hair-brading session (which cost 500 cfa or $1 USD!).

Above, I dived for the first time (amongst the poo poo and plastic bags) under the ship to remove garbage from the cooling water intakes. Maybe I'll dive again tomorrow to help rescue the pallet load of honey that lies on the sea bed after the loading accident. Olly
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