Tuesday 12 July 2011

How the UK has changed

Here's what I've noticed about changes in the UK over the last 5 years:

G4S: the new name for Group 4 Security.
No more Woolworths.
No more Abbey National.
Milk in bags.
Food products "proudly British"
Chocolate products "fair trade"
Beer £3.50 a pint!
Bread £1.30 a loaf!
Trees have grown
Houses have shrunk
More coffee shops
Less slim people
Roads are longer
Traffic jams more common

This is an ill-founded work in progress. Olly

Saturday 9 July 2011

Living the "normal" life

After just over a week back in the UK, we only today ventured into a BIG supermarket for the first time, and were immediately overwhelmed. Quick retreat back to our lodgings. Back to square one. The kids are unable to adjust to the long British summer days - it's lights from 4am to 10pm - and are missing their friends on the ship terribly. And the weather stinks - cold, wet and rainy - typical British summer weather! Slow progress. This is harder than I thought it would be. Olly

Saturday 2 July 2011

Farewell Mercy Ships

From the day one joins Mercy Ships, one thing hangs heavy over you: the day you will have to leave. And that day came on Thursday 30th June, when after nearly 8 years with Mercy Ships we became civilians once again and walked down the gangway for the last time. Thanks Murray for the great photo of us all with Tim (left) and Murray (right) in uniform as we are about the get on the ferry to get to the airport.

We had an incredibly good journey home, making all the connections and arriving at Heathrow on time. Praise God that nothing went wrong. And now back to life; back to reality...Olly