Friday 10 August 2007

So just what are we doing with ourselves?

Since we joined the ship, Sally, Noah, Anna and Libby have been taking part in the Summer Program for kids, involving trips off the ship and activities on the ship every day. There are now two weeks of holiday before the school year begins again on 21st August. Both Noah and Anna have teachers from South Africa, so it will be interesting to see what accents they develop over the next few months. Meanwhile, I have joined the 13 strong Technical Projects Team, which is putting the finishing touches to the ship. I am learning some new skills such a sheet metal work, and have become a bit of an expert in fire-proof insulation installation and air ducting installation. We are all working hard to prepare an extra room for a second emergency generator which must be in place in November, or the ship will not be allowed to sail from Liberia in December. I work daily with Liberian and Sierra Leonean crew and day workers, three of whom are imaginatively named George Washington, Billy Elliot and Richmond Hill. Olly

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