Monday, 23 July 2012


There's a Settlers game going on in my kitchen right now...

...the likes of which we haven't seen for over a year. Another great Africa Mercy re-union! With the Szarek family, Tim Benson & Karin Larson. Olly

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Old friends

Yesterday we visited our old friends and crew-mates the Roystons, at their beach chalet in Dunster. It was lovely seeing them again and spending the day in that fantastic location...

...with it's amazing views over the Bristol Channel to South Wales...

...and spending the first day of summer together! 

The highlight of Noah's day was a driving lesson in a real car! He did OK, although several of the traffic cones lining the route would argue quite the opposite.

Thank you Patricia, Tony and Elliott, and may God bless you as you return to the Africa Mercy next week. Olly

Upload Complete: Summer is here

Summer arrived yesterday! After weeks of constant rain, the ground has just about dried out and the river levels are sinking back to normal. Yesterday we visited Dunster on the Somerset coast, where Libby and Anna played in a pool left behind by the receding tide:

...and today,  as temperatures continued to rise, we got the paddling pool out!

Oh yeah! Olly

Well done kids

At Noah's end of year Celebration of Achievement, he was one of four Year 7s awarded an Outstanding Achievement Award:

Anna and Libby did extremely well too! Both achieved great marks in their end of year reports.

So, well done kids, for doing so well in your first year back in the UK, and for coping so well with all the change and challenges that we threw at you. We are very proud of you.

And thank you, all you teachers on the Anastasis, at the Congo Town Back Road School for Missionary Kids, and on the Africa Mercy. Olly